As I reached out for more perspective interviews regarding the field of geriatrics I had been informed by one of the professional I had reached out to that this time in particular is a busy time for those working to place seniors in care homes due to the fact that many families choose the time after the holidays to place their relatives in care facilities.
This got me thinking about the circumstances surrounding elderly interactions because it can be inferred that there are only certain times of the year where the seniors living in care facilities will get visits by familiar faces, and they really only get the short times during holidays or family events to communicate with people other than the basic responses to their caretakers.
When actually considering this idea, it is astonishing that one is able to keep their composure and find things to keep themselves occupied given that many facilities do not have consistent volunteers to keep them company. I imagine that daily tasks appear to drag on and not having something new to look forward to may make one sluggish. This makes me wonder how social interaction plays a role with sanity especially in relation to older individuals who may have to go extensive periods of time without meaningful communication even in their vulnerable state. This makes me more interested in exploring the impact isolation has on the brain and what I can do to mitigate the negative effects.